Protecting and future-proofing the services delivered by our customers
We aim to provide long-term support to health and social care professionals and local authorities in the overall management of their risks so that they can deliver their public services with peace of mind, confidence and efficiency.
Our approach is aimed at understanding and anticipating the risks to which our customers are exposed, whether clinical risk, technology risk or staff risks. We work with and for our customers so as to control their risks at all times, every step of the way, and especially before they materialise; and to support them in the aftermath of any incidents.
We strive to safeguard their day-to-day activities and businesses, protecting the women and men who work hard every day for the benefit of the patients, residents and users.
Your challenges

Health and social care providers
Guaranteeing the effective delivery of the care you provide, and the safety of your patients and residents, by ensuring that your human and material resources are readily available and adapted to meet the challenges you face.

Local authorities
Guaranteeing the effective delivery of local services to your users, protecting your staff’s wellbeing and ensuring the operational readiness of your equipment.
Our unique risk management approach
In order to develop an effective risk management approach, it is imperative to understand the environments in which we operate and the situations we may face. The aim is to gain a good understanding of current and future risk factors and to measure their impacts.
At Relyens, we strive to identify, analyse and prevent risks in order to reduce their impacts. This reduces the likelihood and/or severity of possible incidents.
And if an incident does occur, we step in to limit its severity and prevent it from happening again. After an incident, we are on hand to deal with the consequences.
Expert support to proactively manage your risks
This end-to-end risk approach aims to give you the means to manage, prevent and insure your risks.
Thanks to our expansive view of your risks, we not only have your back, we also stay one step ahead.
An approach applied to major business risks
In response to the challenges identified with our customers, we now focus primarily on 3 risk areas: human resources risk, medical risk and technology risk (particularly cyber risk).
Our teams also have the means to anticipate future challenges. They can thus work with health and social care professionals and local authorities to co-develop appropriate, innovative solutions in response to changes in their environments and the emergence of new risks.
Human resources risk area
- Managing the impacts of health-related absences from work
- Maintaining a good Quality of Working Life (QWL)
- Ensuring high quality social protection
Having the right person with the right skill at the right time in the right place and in good health is crucial for operational continuity.
It is therefore imperative to promote employee wellbeing, provide training, offer support when a setback occurs, and guide staff throughout the various stages of their career.
At Relyens, people are our key concern and we aim to take positive action for them at every level of our organisation: group level, managerial level and individual level.
Medical risk area
- ensuring the continuity and effective performance of the highest-risk activities: operating room, unscheduled care, gynaecology and obstetrics care
- responding to the cross-cutting issues in the area of healthcare delivery: infectious risk, medication circuits
In order to guarantee the safety of patients and residents, it is imperative to consider all the risks that may affect care delivery activities.
From vulnerability related to medical practices to risks related to the availability or adequacy of human and material resources, all risk factors must be addressed and controlled. To ensure that the right personnel are available at the right time and that the right equipment is available and operational in all circumstances.
Relyens works on a daily basis to provide a better understanding of the existing environment and risks, so that everyone can, at their own level, act and implement the appropriate actions to practice safely.
Technology risk area
- Prioritising the implementation of effective cybersecurity
Today, we are all affected by cyber risk. The unfortunate fact is that cyber attacks are becoming increasingly common and creating problems for us all.
Cyber risk is complex, fragmented and evolving. It is created by the rapid and simultaneous development of cloud computing, telemedicine and remote services, and by the proliferation of connected devices.
At Relyens, we are convinced that we must spare no effort in tackling cyber risk. We must understand it, analyse it, quantify it and learn how to respond in the event of a crisis. Achieving this inevitably involves meeting new challenges, such as inventorying equipment, protecting and securing data, adapting governance systems, laying down rules and ensuring compliance.
A multi-component solution blending risk prevention management and insurance
At Relyens, we offer 3 types of risk management solution:
- Risk management solutions
- Risk prevention solutions
- Insurance solutions
This approach, unique in Europe, gives you all the benefits of the latest expertise, knowledge, data and tools.
Bespoke packages
Our teams draw on our various solutions to put together a package tailored to your needs and your maturity in terms of risk management.
Our ability to analyse, evaluate and put your data into perspective, coupled with our experience, enables us to work with your teams to design bespoke packages tailored to your requirements.
Depending on your needs, we can provide:
- ad hoc support or an end-to-end risk management service
- packages incorporating our solutions together with solutions developed by our partners
Our unique approach
A powerful team with technical, business and field expertise
Relyens’ teams offer a wide variety of expertise and profiles: loss adjusters, doctors, data engineers, lawyers, underwriters, risk managers, lawyers, psychologists, trainers, application engineers, and more.
Our teams are engaged throughout our ecosystems and at the local level, in close proximity to our customers and partners. They co-develop the best solution for every situation.
Join us
Detailed knowledge of our customers and their business risks
Relyens is at the crossroads where the health, local authority, new technology and insurance worlds meet.
Our active involvement alongside the main federations and associations representing health professionals, local authorities and insurance companies means that we are central to the transformation of health systems and local services in Europe.
Acting together
This position allows us to:
- understand our customers’ concerns
- have a good overview of their common challenges relating to existing and emerging risks,
- anticipate their needs by considering them in the light of technological advances and changing insurance models.
Our immersion in the world of innovative start-ups complements our perspective on the developing technologies most able to meet future risk management challenges.
We are a mutual group that is nearly 100 years old and our customers and members have been the primary decision-makers behind our development strategy. Our proximity to them means that we can listen to them actively. They challenge and alert us. This enables us to make the right decisions and design the best solutions.
Out mutualist DNA
A sharp focus on innovation, technology and data
Thanks to the various partners that we work with and invest in, we incorporate data and AI-driven technology solutions into our risk management approach.
As well as contributing directly to risk prevention and prediction, these solutions allow us to capture, aggregate and process data in bulk. We are thus able to exploit, structure and leverage all our customers’ data so as to reduce their risks.