Sustainability – A responsible risk manager
2022 Business report
Sustainability – A responsible risk manager
Combining our activity with protecting the environment and to suggest offers that contribute to our customers’ CSR strategy.

Combining our activity with protecting the environment
In accordance with the 2022 IPCC report, we, as citizens and companies, have a responsibility to reduce our CO2 emissions by a factor of 6 to make our planet a viable and safe environment. We’re embracing this at Relyens, by committing to reducing our ecological impact at every level of the company.
This means integrating environmental issues into the core of our strategy, our roadmaps, our activity and our daily behaviour. We’re therefore taking action on a national and European scale, individually and collaboratively, by encouraging all our employees to suggest, instigate and replicate initiatives that work.

Our key actions
- A status report of all the actions carried out within our Group has been created, as well as a first version of the materiality map.
- A carbon audit was performed for the 3 scopes and for France, Spain, Italy and Germany.
- A low-carbon strategy has been established around 4 pillars:
- Choosing and challenging our investments to reduce our carbon footprint
- Involving our stakeholders (developing our employees’ commitment, implementing a responsible purchasing policy on a European scale, supporting our customers’ and members’ ecological transition)
- Rethinking business travel
- Keeping down digital inflation
This strategy is overseen by an associated governance system.

In 2022, Relyens became a signatory to the new Supplier Relationships and Responsible Purchasing Charter (RFAR) implemented by the Ombudsman (Médiateur des entreprise) and the National Purchasing Council (Conseil National des achats). Joining a network of 2,400 signatory French companies and public services, we undertake to follow 10 concrete principles for our Group.
These principles enable us to now build and implement a continuous improvement plan for responsible purchasing, and to guarantee lasting trust-based relationships with our supplier partners.
This approach fosters trust with our stakeholders. It is a genuine lever for economic development based on transparency and dialogue.
To suggest offers that contribute to our customers’ CSR strategy
We want to promote their ecological transition by providing financial solutions. More broadly, we are working on how we can better support them in this area, taking into account the environmental, social and economic aspects.
Being a Risk Manager strengthens our offers for the responsibility and sustainability of healthcare companies, medical social facilities and local authorities. Promoting prevention access to insurance and policy holder resilience enables them to safeguard their business, protect their staff and guarantee the continuity of their general interest missions. Their transition to a more resilient model will have a direct impact on patients and citizens who benefit from their service. We want to help them achieve this by supporting their transition.